With the cost of building at an all time high in Adelaide (and all over the globe!), it’s never been more important to find an affordable builder you can trust. In South Australia alone, there are more than 100 home builders to choose from; and with so many options, it’s hard to know where to start!
We scoured realestate.com.au looking for builder’s advertising house & land packages under $500,000, and used this information to create a list of affordable builders in Adelaide! Hopefully, this will help narrow down your search!
After all, when my partner and I build our first home in 2021, no such list existed. We spent countless hours meeting with builders that turned out to be way out of our price range: wasting our time and theirs! With a budget of less than 200k, our options were severely limited. So, it’s safe to say we understand the the struggle!
Related Reading: How To Choose The Right Builder For Your New Home
How To Build A House On A Budget: 6 Money-Saving Hacks
Table of Contents
Affordable Builders In Adelaide & Surrounding Suburbs
ABC (Australian Building Co.)
Website: https://abchomes.com.au/sa/adelaide
Product Review Rating*: (4.4)
Australian Building Co. are relatively new to the home building game, with only two display home locations in Adelaide metro. They were first established 7 years ago in Victoria, but have since expanded to SA, QLD and NSW.
While personally we haven’t heard a lot about these new kids on the block, their glowing reviews on Product Review speak for themselves!
Burbank Homes
Website: https://www.burbank.com.au/south-australia/
Product Review Rating*: (4.1)
Yet another Victorian home builder who have since expanded into SA, Burbank homes have been in business since 1983. They have 4 display homes across Adelaide, and some really cool grantee’s on offer- such as 6 month price freeze’s and fixed site costs.
Distinctive Homes
Website: https://distinctivehomes.com.au/
Product Review Rating*: (3)
Distinctive Homes are a South Australian owned and operated company, having been established more than 35 years ago. They’re best known for their high attention to detail and excellent workmanship.
You can find their home and land packages listed on realestate.com.au or enquire about their packages directly through their website!
Website: https://fairmonthomes.com.au/
Google Rating*: (3.7)
Fairmont are one of the biggest builders in SA, having been around for more than 50 years. Competitive on price and build time, they’re a fantastic choice for first time buyers!
Located in Kent town- their head office is only a hop, skip and a jump from the Adelaide CBD.
G.J. Gardiner Homes
Website: https://www.gjgardner.com.au/
Product Review Rating*: (4.7)
G.J. Gardiner are one of very few custom builders on this list. Unlike many other companies, they do not have ‘set’ display homes- rather, allow prospective builders walk through custom builds currently on the market.
If you’re looking for something a little out of the ordinary, a custom builder like G.J. might be for you!
HPG Homes
Website: https://hotpropertygroup.com.au/
Google Rating*: (3.8)
HPG group are a South Australian multi-award-winning builder. They offer a HUGE range of affordable homes and house and land packages, with more being added nearly every day!
In addition to new home building, HPG can also help you with extensions and renovations!
Lofty Building Group
Website: https://loftybuildinggroup.com.au/
Product Review Rating*: (4.6)
Lofty building group are the other custom builder on this list- with fast turnaround times and competitive prices!
Their house and land packages are comparable to most volume builders, which is extremely impressive for a custom building company! We’re not sure exactly how they do it, but honestly, does it matter?
Website: https://www.metricon.com.au/
Product Review Rating*: (4.3)
If you’re looking for affordable housing options, why not check out Metricon’s Freedom range? Catered specifically towards first time buyers, and those looking to build on a budget, it’s a winner for sure!
Being Australia’s largest home builder, and SA’s most awarded builder- it’s worthwhile paying a visit to one of their display home’s.
Metro Homes
Website: https://metrohomessa.com.au/
Product Review Rating*: (4.5)
I was completely wowed by Metro Home’s build quality! In my opinion, very few budget builders offer such an extensive base range, so it’s certainly worthwhile paying one of their display homes a visit!
I also highly recommend checking out their home builder series for some helpful tips & advice. If you’ve ever wondered what the building process it like, it’s worth a watch.
Rivergum Homes
Website: https://rivergumhomes.com.au/
Product Review Rating*: (4)
If your on the fence about building with steel- Rivergum might be the way to go. They’re one of the only builders in SA that offer both timber and steel frame options; so, they’re certainly the ones to ask!
They’re also a great option if you’re building rurally. In additional to servicing Adelaide metro, they also service towns such as Renmark, Port Pirie and Tailem bend! You can find a map of their building boundaries here.
Rossdale Homes
Website: http://www.rossdalehomes.com.au/
Google Rating*: (3.3)
Rossdale homes are yet another fantastic option for first time builders- offering a dedicated first time buyer/affordable home range. With display homes in Morphettville, Glenunga and Blackwood (+ more), you don’t have to travel too far from the CBD to meet with one of their sales consultants.
You can read more about their first home buyer incentives here.
SA Housing Centre
Website: https://sahousingcentre.com.au/
Google Rating*: (4.8)
SA Housing Centre is Hickinbotham Homes budget builder/option. They share plenty of resources with their parent company (including a state of the art selection centre located in Hackney), and deliver homes to the same high quality standard. The only difference? There are fewer standard inclusion, therefore, the upfront costs are lower.
Simonds Homes
Website: simonds.com.au/sa
Product Review Rating*: (4.4)
Looking for an affordable builder in Adelaide? Look no further than Simonds Homes. With a 4.4 star rating on productreview.com.au, they’re certainly popular with their clients… perhaps this is what makes them Australia’s most awarded builder?
If you can’t make it to one of their display homes, why not take a virtual tour on their website?
Statesman Homes
Website: https://statesman-homes.com.au/
Product Review Rating*: (4.4)
Yet another member of the Hickinbotham Group, Statesman have been building homes for South Australian’s since 1997! With a particular focus on building affordable, family homes, Statesman offer a huge range of house plans to suit any budget. Offering more standard inclusions than SA Housing Centre, they’re considered Hickinbotham Group’s ‘mid-tier’ option.
With a 4.4 star rating on product review, and a 4.3 on google, they have one of the highest satisfaction rates in the industry.
Sterling Homes
Website: https://www.sterlinghomes.com.au/
Product Review Rating*: (3.3)
You can find plenty of affordable house and land packages advertised on Sterling’s website, along with a large array of home designs!
With over 56 industry awards to their name, they are one of the leading home builders in South Australia. Why not pop in at one of their 26 display homes?
Weeks Homes
Website: https://www.weeks.com.au/
Product Review Rating*: (4.4)
Week’s are a fantastic choice for anyone looking to build a steel framed home. With plenty of house and land packages on their website valued under $500,000, there’s bound to be something that appeals to everyone!
With display homes in Angle vale, Morphetville, Mount barker, Playford alive and Seaford- you also won’t have to travel too far to speak to a sales rep!

Display Homes & Villages
There are more than 100 display homes located across Adelaide and it’s surrounding suburbs. The majority are located in new development areas, or display villages, however some can be found as near to the CBD as Lightsview and Morphetville!
Below we have mapped out the location of each builder’s display homes (according to their website). It’s important to note that these locations may not be 100% accurate, due to many of them being located in new development communities (where lot/house numbers have not yet been assigned). Some locations may also have changed/closed since the time of publication, so we highly recommend contacting each building company directly to check opening hours and exact addresses.
If you’re looking to visit as many display home’s as possible, we recommend visiting the following communities:
Best Display North Of The City: Miravale
On Display: Metro Homes, Metricon, HPG, SA Housing Centre, Hickinbotham, Statesman Homes, Gallery Living, Lodge Construction, Fairmont, Rivergum Homes, Simonds, Dechellis Homes, Burbank, Weeks, Henley Properties and Format Homes.
You can find a copy of Miravale’s display village map here.
Opening hours are as follows:
Saturday & Sunday: 1pm-5pm
Wednesday: 2pm-5pm
Best Display South Of The City: Vista
On Display: Gallery Living, Dechellis Homes, SA Housing Centre, Fairmont, Metro, Format Homes, Statesman Homes, ABC, Weeks, Fairmont, Rivergum, Simonds, Metricon, Hickinbotham, Rendition Homes and Burbank
View the display precinct map here, and the display village map here.
Best Display in The Inner Suburbs: Morphettville
On Display: Stirling Homes, Dechellis Homes, Fairmont, Adelaide Green Homes, Burbank, Simonds, Rossdale Homes and Weeks
Opening hours at Morphetville differ depending on the builder. We recommend contacting each builder individually to enquire about their operating hours
*Disclaimer: All ratings are only accurate as of the time of publishing. The highest of the two ratings between google reviews & productreview.com.au has been published for each company between
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